Проблемы теории и практики управления


Benchmarking - a Tool to Quickly “Steal” Innovations

Emelyanov Yuri, Khainish Stanislav

The main notions of benchmarking application are presented and its technologies are described. Practical cases are cited of related works undertaken by experts from IMI Consulting (International Management Research Institute) in Russian and foreign enterprises representing different economic sectors.

Cluster Technologies and Economic Growth

Mochalnikov Viktor, Anokhina Marina

The essential feature of economic growth is unveiled, the importance of its reproduction component substantiated. The role of cluster technologies in regional economic growth is determined (exemplified, in particular, by the North Caucasian tourist and health resort cluster).

Competitive Activities of Regions and Territories in the Russian Federation

Tatarkin Alexander

Definitions of territorial competition, competitive positioning and competition immunity are proposed. The specificity and sources of competitive activities of territories as well as factors limiting them are stressed.

Debt Stability on Regional Level

Shimshirt Natalya

Debt stability is regarded as a component of budgetary stability within the budgetary system of any level. Specific features of regional debt stability are analyzed.

Designing Measures for Adjusting Russia’s Agroindustrial Complex to WTO Conditions: Methodological Aspects

Prokopyev Mikhail

The situation linked with Russia’s entry in the World Trade Organization is addressed. Methodological approaches to the design of measures aimed at adjusting the country’s agroindustrial complex to WTO conditions are described.

Development of Utilities on Regional Level

Gokzhaeva Elena, Shalatov Vasily

The article regards an approach to comprehensive projecting of utilities development on the regional level when public-private partnership tools are made use of. An infrastructure is advanced which ensures efficiency in the framework of partnership between the state and big business.

Efficient Leading Manager: Competency-Based Profile

Kondratyev Eduard

The author explains what is meant by competency-based profile of a modern leading manager, suggests a practical interpretation of the term ‘competency’ and indicates those factors which influence the formation of competency-based profile and the scope of competencies.

Environmental Management: Institutional Aspect

Savkin Vladimir

Sustainable development is discussed as a triad of production, social and environmental components. Main attention is focused on the institutional aspect of environmental management development which means that an organizational and legal regulation system is available that ensures the formation of managerial functions and managerial decision-making.

Innovation Management System in Organization

Mannapov Albert

The author explains the specificity of innovation processes and innovation activities. He suggests a model which can be applied in innovation management system of organization.

Management Failures: Their Causes and Ways of Prevention

Krasilnikov Sergei

The author unveils the main causes leading to management failures and gives their classification. He investigates the specificity of emerging management failures in holdings.

Managing Entrepreneurship by Way of Minimizing Financial Risks

Gubanov Roman

The author examines the role played by risk minimization in doing business. He presents the typology of financial risks which helps develop practical approaches aimed at protecting Russian business from their impact.

On the Condition of and Development Problems in Management Thought (the article is intended for scholarly discussion)

Marshev Vadim

The level of research in the history of management ideas is analyzed. Central issues to be discussed during the XIV international conference dedicated to the above subject are formulated.

State Regulation of Macroeconomic Stability in the Ukraine

Bogolib Tatyana

The system of state regulation of macroeconomic stability in the Ukraine is investigated. The following conclusion is made: a modern market economy with state regulation should be based on scientific and technical achievements, on intensive and innovative development of production and social spheres, and on human capital improvement.

The Analytical Structure of Resource-Oriented Approach

Karlik Alexander, Platonov Vladimir

The author examines the bases of a resource-oriented approach which allows the organization to gain the mastery over its competitors. The terminology and key concepts of the given approach are given.

The Fuel and Energy Complex of Eurasian Countries: Inter-State Development Mechanism

Stanbekov Toktorbek

A scheme is advanced to form an inter-state development mechanism for the Eurasian fuel and energy complex. The feasibility of an Energy Alliance between Kazakhstan, Russia and Uzbekistan is justified.

The Principal Precondition for Economic Success (Mulling over the monograph by Pavel S.Seleznev)

Sorokin Dmitry

The author of the review mulls over the monograph entitled “Innovation Policy of “Non-Western” Countries in the Early 21st Century: The Search for Modernization Priorities” by Pavel S.Seleznev. Emphasized are motives which consolidate the majority of Russian citizens on their path to a new technological mode.

Venture Capital Funding of Innovation Projects: Institutional Risks

Volkova Tatyana

The author deals with the weak and strong sides of venture capital funding used to invest in innovation projects. Special attention is paid to institutional risks linked with this institution of innovation structure.

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