Проблемы теории и практики управления


Anti-Crisis Program: Heading for Innovation Development

Shinkarenko Pavel V.

The world financial crisis might not have taken Russian authorities unawares at least because long ago experts warned of serious problems within and beyond the country. What has to be done to overcome the crisis? Participants of the permanent «Russia's Economic Growth» round table held by The Free Economic Society of Russia and RAS Institute of Economy tried to find an answer to the question.

Corporate Integration: Assessing Mergers and Acquisitions

Petrosyan Andrei, Musatova Maria

By analyzing economic models of testing mergers and acquisitions and their outcomes one can select dependent and some independent variables typical for Russian conditions. The quantitative evaluation of how this process impacts on the intensity of integrational operations seems to be the most likely direction in econometric research.

Differentiated Insurance Premiums as an Efficient Instrument of Risk Evaluation

Sokolov Alexander

Application of the proposed method of evaluating differentiated premiums helps formulate conclusions on the similarity of risk levels for banks of various classes. If the indicators for the bank under observation are similar to the data of bankrupt credit institutions, a maximal insurance premium should be paid to the former. Otherwise it should be reduced. Such changes might demand modification of the system in the future.

Investment and Innovation of Intensive and Extensive Type: A Macroeconomic Approach

Pavlov Konstantin

Singling out investment and innovation of intensive and extensive type helps more precisely evaluate their impact on social reproduction intensification processes. It is also important to detach the share of every one of them within the general investment and innovation structure. This classification is feasible to be introduced due to the growing topicality of applying intensive economic methods.

Managing the Flow of Semi-Finished Goods Stored at Iron and Steel Enterprise Warehouses

Tutarova Vlasta, Kalitaev Alexander, Fainshtein Svetlana

Higher efficiency in operative management of material resources is presumes not introducing any rigid limitations but rather following the principle: «Everything is allowed but it will cost very much». The procedure of identifying the value of operations of two objects and their comparison should be a heuristic assessing function, which helps levy penalties and add bonuses to all parameters of the operation.

Operative Accounting and Control of Construction Products Quality

Zubareva Elena

Efficient accounting and control of construction process can be achieved by way of accumulating and systematizing information on flaws, defective products, claims. If violations of normative requirements are duly identified it will promote measures taken to eliminate and avoid flaws as well as help fully overcome drawbacks in specified time.

Stages of Motivation Audit

Panova Yekaterina

If clear mechanisms to link and assess motivation audit data are not available this type of control becomes extremely dependent on professional and personal qualities of auditing team members. The auditor's overall theoretical credentials, his outlook range in the sphere of personnel motivation and management are reflected in the quality of motivation audit.

Strategically Important Development Factors of an Economic Unit

Melitonyan Olga, Mikheyenko Yulia

For the strategy to be efficient the enterprise should design its development strategy including in it a set of measures necessary to achieve the desired condition. However, even most successful and interesting ideas will remain on paper if not backed by strategic resources and competitive advantages, unique for the given type of business or region.

Strategic Management of Human Resources of an Organization

Izhbulatova Olga, Dudanov Yevgeni

The degree to which the staff supports its organization's strategy of achieving competitive advantages conditions the success of the strategy. That is why development of human potential should become the main goal of the company. The following initial information is necessary to design the strategy: the data related to the stage the organization is on in its life cycle, and the attribution of the business strategy and strategy of competitive advantages to certain types - according to the taxonomy proposed by the authors.

Strategic Management or Management of Strategies

Kovalyov Alexander, Kozlova Oksana

Failures are lurking management not during the process of designing the strategy of the organization but in the process of its realization. In conditions of uncertainty the search for a simultaneous solution of two complicated tasks - risk management and support of strategic actions of the personnel - turn into the main barrier. This is viable only in case of a well-coordinated work of the entire managerial team and a prevailing flexible business mentality of managers.

The Complex Optimization Pattern for Purchase and Sale of Goods

Shuremov Yevgeni, Zalozhnev Dmitri

Problems related to optimizing purchase and marketing of goods has up to the present been regarded as relatively separate tasks. The approach proposed by the authors helps solve the tasks in a complex. As a result, the user can evaluate the character of marginal profit change in accordance with changes of volume of goods acquired, make a conclusion whether the functions formed are adequate to the change of indicators described.

The Corporate System of Electronic Data Processing: Stages of Implementation and Levels of Maturity

Bobylyova Marina

Implementation of electronic data processing system is not a one-time act but a process of several stages. The efficiency of applying the system on subsequent stages depends on the variety of maturity levels achieved, which are characterized not only by technological parameters but also by the system's ability to interact with other corporate information systems in use in automated business processes.

The Evolution and Modification of Divisional Organizational Structures

Drogobytskaya Klavdia

Divisional organizational structures retain their effectiveness only in the framework of the private sector, which is confirmed by a broad use of the mechanism by the prevailing majority of the biggest organizations in the world. However, considering its incompleteness and instability, this company scheme, under the impact of environmental factors and new development trends, experiences constant modifications.

The Investment-Innovation System of an Agroindustrial Complex

Mustafaev Aziz

Overcoming technical and technological underdevelopment of the agroindustrial complex and its transition to new forms of market operation are closely connected with solving several tasks, among them those of achieving a nonstationary development rate of investment and innovation, raising the role of budgetary financing of agricultural enterprises, laying the institutional, legislative and financial fundaments for economic agents, eliminating inter-branch contradictions.

The World Crisis: An Impetus to Develop Innovation

Dynkin Alexander

In management theory there is a notion of crisis provocation meaning artificial setting up of critical conditions under which the enterprise is compelled to apply innovation, thus attaining a qualitatively higher level. Today there no need for such artificial constructions, the crisis is already raging and the majority of anti-crisis measures adopted in leading countries are aimed at stimulating innovation.

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