Gutgarts Rimma
The analysis of data gathered according to the method proposed by the author helps identify management problems neglected in everyday activities because they are regarded as absolutely natural. The given approach can be used to introduce both evolutionary and revolutionary changes in management processes. In the second case, reengineering of business processes is possible.
Onuchak Victor
The current mechanism of governmental assistance to small businesses based on designing relevant programs has not paid off
Apriamashvili Marina
Until recently, the development management of an area in a big city has been effected within the framework of narrow sectoral approaches like economy, urban studies, law, ecology etc. This leads to offsetting the integrity of an area as urban material-and-technical environment. Besides, the potential of the area in big cities remain not demanded. To solve these problems the organization and economic development mechanism of an area in a big city has to be improved.
Makarov Valeri, Kleiner Georgi
Efficient economy formation based on knowledge as production resource and product is feasible only on the fundament of multilevel systemic approach with the specificity of interaction of macro- and microeconomic levels in national economy taken into account. In this case a comprehensive strategy will on the one hand play the role of accumulator of knowledge on the development of the given object and on the other hand of knowledge source and benchmark of economic development for other objects.
Druzhinin Alexander, Kats losif
Transition to a new economic management system requires that prevailing relations are drastically broken, thoroughly scientifically substantiated, and managers retrained on a broad scale. Unfortunately, governmental participation in the process has been limited by transition to market prices, to property privatization, and adoption of several important laws; moreover, damage has been inflicted to the planning system whose experience is applied in the practice of numerous developed economies.
Faskhiev Khakimzyan
In the process of studying the competitive potential of the group of organizations integrating ОАО KamAZ the author succeeded in formulating a three-tiered enterprise competitiveness management model. It allows to operatively detect enterprise advantages on the market, identify problematic sections and duly introduce improvements, he argues. The model is universal and can be applied to any branch of economy (with small adaptations).
Vorobyova Ludmila, Vorobyova Olga
Liberalization of the Russian natural gas market is conditioned by the need to set up a common European and world economic space, the search for new efficient management mechanisms for this economic sector. The national liberalization model of the process allows Russia to successfully integrate the global economy - with due consideration of national energy interests -and on this way master the best practice of modern civilization.
Kovalev Vasili
After comparing the systems of professional training in both countries the author draws the conclusion that the modern structure of the Russian market is the main limitation for Russia's integration into the common European educational space; this structure inhibits many of its subjects to come under the standards in force in Western Europe.
Zakharova Ludmila
В статье сделаны некоторые обобщения результатов эмпирических исследований, проведенных в период 2000-2006 гг. на предприятиях типичного для России Нижегородского региона. Цель этого анализа - выявление психологических феноменов, характерных для отечественного менеджмента, и их влияние на динамику социально-экономического развития территории.
Kushnareva Olga
Methods of regulating the socioeconomic development of regions - if properly selected - help concentrate state authorities on the one part at forming a new economic structure of areas, which corresponds to real production needs, and on the other at developing entrepreneurship, a healthy competition and a balanced regional market.
Milner Boris
The lecture encompasses various approaches to knowledge concept, varieties and sources interpretation. Designing management systems for this sphere should start with projecting, which pinpoints stages like accumulation of knowledge, its acquisition, structuring and formalization, developing specifications for programming, program realization and servicing.
Grudkin Alexander
In the Oryol Region a targeted program of agricultural consumer cooperative development has been approved by legislation. It aims to stimulate economic activities of the population, employment promotion of the rural population, enhance the production volume and marketing of products. The goal is planned to be attained thanks to the growing role of agricultural consumer cooperatives in servicing small forms of economic activities.
В ходе научной конференции, проходившей в ГУ-ВШЭ, были заслушаны и обсуждены более 50 докладов, представленных учеными российских образовательных и научных институтов, руководителями компаний, а также исследователями из ведущих научных центров Великобритании, Италии, Канады, Китая, Португалии, США, Франции и Японии.More than 50 reports were given by researchers from Russian educational establishments and research institutes, by CEOs, as well as leading scholars representing research centers of Great Britain, Italy, Canada, China, Portugal, U.S., France and Japan during the scientific conference held in the State University - Higher School of Economics.