Проблемы теории и практики управления


A "Different" Manager: Life Script-Based Management

Savelionok Eugene

Problems of improving managerial efficiency under conditions of an uncertain external and internal environment of an organization are addressed. Building on an effective management system it is proposed to consider the manager's personal (individual) scenario approach, which implies a vision of ultimate management goals and ways of their achievement.

Cluster Forms of Organization: Evolutionary and Spatial and Temporal aspects

Lomovtseva Olga, Soboleva Svetlana, Sobolev Alexander

The evolution processes of regional clusters in spatial and temporal continuum are investigated. The hypothesis of a permanent process of clustering is formulated mediated by level transformation of biological, social, information and holistic spaces in time. The novelty of the research findings lies in the recombination matrix of temporal and spatial processes allowing to obtain the profile of processes, which demonstrate the chance of a positive or negative result of clustering.

Information Functions and Modes of Informational Development of Control Systems

Sukharev Oleg

The author researches the functions of information — notifications of accumulation, cumulative gain — in the framework of the study of object-agent and agent-agent information interaction patterns. He introduces the criterion of information potential of the control system and the efficiency factor of information. Three options are advanced to accumulate information (knowledge) suitable to quantify this important effect, which determines the development of the sphere of knowledge.

Medical and Demographic Problems of Russia: On the Road to a Healthcare Building System

Krutko Vyacheslav

The paper presents a systemic cross-disciplinary analysis of organizational and economic problems impeding a radical improvement of medical and demographic indicators referring to Russian population’s health and quality of life. A road map aimed at setting up an effective national "Healthcare Building System” is offered.

Model of Socium Governance

Garin Yevgeni, Meshcheryakov Roman

Properties of socium structure and discovered patterns of information distribution in socium are described. On this basis of a new socium model is built in form of an orient multipartite cyclically closed in its central part graph.

Natural Resources Use in Russia’s Arctic Region: Model of Interaction between State Authorities and Business

Alieva Tatyana

The article features possible models and forms of interaction between executive bodies of state authority and business in the field of natural resources use and environmental protection. It is ascertained that in the Arctic zone the partnership model is, in the given sphere, the most acceptable form of interaction between regional executive bodies and environmentally hazardous enterprises. Top-priority recommendations are formulated to promote the partnership interaction model.

Premises of Organizations’ and Territories’ Success in Knowledge Economy

Gaponenko Alexander, Savelyeva Marina

In this article the authors consider the main characteristics of knowledge economy, the lines of organization management transformation, principal aspects of the making of learning organizations and territories. Special attention is paid to organizations’ and territories’ ability to establish long-term and trusting relationships with stakeholders and to the formation of a regional institutional environment conducive to innovation.

Principles of Process- and Project-Based Approaches to Design the Management System for a Coal Company

Velikoselsky Andrei

Principles of process- and project-based management system formation for a coal company are described whose implementation provides for stability and efficiency of the company. Criteria used in the choice of the management system by the coal company are featured.

“Temperature of the Team” in the Economy: Econophysical Aspect

Kryuchkov Vladimir

A new approach to describe the dynamics of enterprises’ and organizations’ economic processes is presented proceeding from econophysics principles. Examples are cited of practical application of this approach to interpret processes occurring in real enterprises, which operate in various sectors of national economy. The author proposes an identification concept of the latent variable — "temperature of the team" — based on distortion analysis of staff number — payroll fund influence curves.

The Global Economic-Infrastructure 34-year-old Cycles: Between Technology Traps and Windows

Ayrapetyan Mamikon

The article reveals that the development of global and local economies, including Russian economy, takes place in the framework of 34-year-long global economic cycles — infrastructure-generational and 4.3-year-long business cycles. The world economic development model is presented which is based on periodic alternation of "processing windows" and "technological PATA", invention and innovation, it allows to adequately interpret the causes of bifurcation trends in Russian and world economy, forecast cyclical fluctuations and carry out anti-crisis policy.

The Impact of Import Substitution Policy on Regional Economic Development

Erokhina Elena

The author shows that for import substitution policy to be successful technological upgrading and modernization of infrastructure, social and government institutions should be undertaken. Applying econometric methods the author has analyzed various aspects of import substitution and defined conditions without which the effect of implementing this strategy will be negative.

The Theory of Innovations Turnover: Managing External and Internal Innovations in Sberbank of Russia

Khisamutdinov Mikhail

The article mirrors the experience of innovations turnover in big corporations exemplified by Sberbank of Russia. The essence of corporate innovations is addressed aimed at meeting with internal targets — increasing the innovation policy development level. New terms — crowdstreaming, stream innovations, innovations turnover — are generated, innovation management aspects are unveiled relating to crowdsourcing-based innovations of original scientific novelty.

The Use of External Resource Base by High-Tech Companies within Clusters: Theory and Practice

Mannapov Albert

Economic and non-economic aspects of using external strategic resources by high-tech companies within clusters are grounded. Issues concerning location, purchased equipment configuration and rules of access to resource centers of innovation infrastructure are raised. Explicit and possible hidden interests of small and medium-sized enterprises, executive authorities and resource centers regarding these issues are defined.

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