Проблемы теории и практики управления


Cooperation and research networks in knowledge-based economy

Safiullin Anton, Tronin Vadim

The authors analyze development trends of knowledge-based economy conditioned by an increasing number of R&D participants, growing cooperation in research and scientific links between researchers. The authors outline factors, which provide for and hinder the setting up of research networks.

Crowdsourcing telework technologies in marketing

Tsaplin Yevgeni, Bushelenkova Svetlana

Chances of Web 3.0 technology application in marketing are addressed. The results of investigating trends in crowdsourcing technologies development, remote work and management of unstructured distributed data are presented.

Developing Strategic Planning for Infrastructure-Based Business in the Region

Oveshnikova Ludmila, Sibirskaya Elena

Recommendations are given of how to develop the process of strategic planning for infrastructure-based business activity. These help treat the improvement of the strategic planning process proceeding from a functional approach based on classical management functions such as analysis, regulation, coordination and control.

Eco institutionalism as Conceptual Basis for Strategic State Governance

Buletova Natalya, Gorelova Irina

The emergence of environmental institutionalism is ascertained, a new direction allowing to theoretically ground the transformation mechanism and trend of existing institutions depending on the development model of society. The claim to design another approach to the object of territorial strategizing as an environmental economic system is explained.

Forecasting Export of Russian Mineral Resources under Changing World Prices for Energy Resources

Rodnyansky Dmitri, Yasnitskaya Yana

Development tendencies of the Russian energy market are researched. A forecast for the development of Russia’s foreign trade of raw materials under volatile prices of energy resources is presented.

Knowledge Management, Information and Economic Growth

Sukharev Oleg

General conditions and characteristics of knowledge and information management are addressed, the principle of knowledge transfer in the economic system is proved. The author highlights the main features of the so called «new economy», with its growing share of knowledge in creating goods and their value.

Management Modeling and the Objective of Forming Managers' Motivation

Klyuev Yuri, Cheskidov Roman

The logic and contradictions of main management and motivation models are demonstrated. By further promoting MBO, BSC, KPI, Six Sigma models, the authors advance their own management and motivation model, which defines in a new way the structure of objectives, goals and tools of management.

Management of Russia’s Innovative Development as a Set of Interlinked Problems

Malkina Marina

Problems linked with the choice of alternative strategies and organizational forms as well as of motivating innovation activity participants are analyzed. Seven basic problems of innovative development in the RF are addressed and characterized.

Opportunistic Behavior of Workers Engaged in State Enterprises

Popov Yevgeni, Ersh Yevgeniya

The topicality of studying opportunistic behaviour of workers engaged in state-run production enterprises is substantiated. Most meaningful (for the enterprise) forms of workers’ and managers’ opportunistic behaviour both on the stage of concluding the labour contract and afterwards are investigated.

Rating Systems in Crowdsourcing Projects

Dolzhenko Ruslan

The chances to make use of rating to evaluate the participants of crowdsourcing projects are exposed. The experience accumulated with ratings on leading national crowdsourcing sites is presented.

State-Private Partnership as Basis of Innovation in the Sphere of Educational Services

Mysin Mikhail

Types of state-private partnership on the market of educational services are determined. Main criteria are detached for introducing state-private partnership on the market of educational services aimed at motivating innovative concepts.

State Property: Untapped Growth Reserve of Russian Economy

Kononkova Natalya, Mikhailenko Diana

Topical problems related to managing state property are addressed, the need to expand the latter’s contribution to the country’s economic development is substantiated. Untapped chances of the institution of state property taken as an alternative on the present-day stage of privatization are analyzed.

Synchronizing Strategic Planning Documents in Regions and Municipalities

Klimanov Vladimir, Mikhailova Anna

The article is dedicated to problems linked with synchronizing, in the Russian Federation, strategic planning documents on different levels. Methodical recommendations are given in order to introduce this conformity.

The Characteristics of Cluster as Phenomenon of Economic Practice

Sergienko Elena

Specific features of cluster as phenomenon of modern economic practice are unveiled. Cluster is regarded as a site for cooperation between economic agents, which transform their activities towards consolidation.

The Contours of Social Stratification in Modern Russia

Rumyantseva Elena

Social stratification is regarded as a scientific platform to design and realize priorities of a research-backed governmental social policy. It is proved that the division into poor and rich radically narrows the framework of state-run socially-oriented policy.

The Regional University in the Triple Helix

Krasikova Tatyana

The triple helix model is perceived as a mechanism aimed at developing the regional innovation system. Concentration of human capital is detached in the world practice as principal success factor of universities.

The Socially Responsible Role of Health Resorts in the Republic of Crimea under New Economic Conditions

Tsyokhla Svetlana, Simchenko Nataliya, Polishchuk Elena

The structure and main performance indicators illustrating recreation organizations in the Republic of Crimea are researched. Their regional specialization is investigated in line with their therapeutic profile based on resource potential. The socially responsible role of these organizations in raising the competitiveness of health resort services is shown.

Transformation of Spatial Organization of the Economy and the Development of Transport Infrastructure

Zhukov Maxim

Key problems, mechanisms and priorities of spatial development of transport infrastructure are defined. A system of indicators is proposed to get an integrated assessment of the operation efficiency and development of transport infrastructure in territories on different hierarchical levels.

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