Zainashev Timur
In big oil and gas companies information problems emerging in investment decision-making are important today. Among these decisions are: the choice of most efficient projects from the investment portfolio and designing the company's investment program. Components of SAP Netweaver BI 7.0 software system are regarded and the decision-making architecture aimed at collecting, processing and saving data in the data bank in order to subsequently form analytical OLAP reports providing support and increasing investment decision-making quality are regarded.
Gubnitsyn Anton
The Canadian experience (the case of Quebec City) in developing municipal-level democracy is compared with citizens' participation in local self-management in the Russian Federation. The comparison helps identify a series of significant differences in the self-government system legally introduced by governmental bodies as well as the behavioral specificity of citizens proper.
Barkovsky Anatoli
Less known facts from COMECON history based on investigations and the author's personal experience are made public, the importance of COMECON activities for the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States is assessed.
Frolov Igor
Previous models of financial planning quoted did not allow to examine the specificity of distributors' operational activities. The standard budgeting model developed meets the needs of these companies.
Malenkov Yuri, Dreving Svetlana
Theoretical and methodological problems related to innovation strategies elaboration for branches, economic complexes and clusters with regard to the case of Kamchatka Fishery Complex are discussed. The methodology of designing innovation strategies of their development on system-based approach is presented. The strategy of developing a big economic complex exemplified by the case of the Kamchatka Regional Economic Complex is described.
Zarnitsyna Xenia
The assessment of economic efficiency of the project management system organization at the enterprise is based on classical indicators of investment projects evaluation. A classification of benefits and costs linked with implementing the project management system as well as the method of economic evaluation of projects is proposed.
Kopylova Elena
Divergences in indicators used in financial and tax accounting lower the operability of accounting and internal control. Approaches to create an integrated system of financial, tax and managerial accounting to increase the efficiency of organization management are analyzed.
Danilova Nadezhda
The Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation held an international academic and practical conference On the Development of Moscow as International Financial Center. Its participants stressed that Moscow as international financial center will enhance the country's accelerated economic development.
Syryamina Larisa
The principal requirements advanced to the organization as management function consist in providing for fulfilling all decisions taken. The paper suggests a special coordinating service to secure competitiveness of products should be set up.
Gonova Anna
The personnel policy structure and priorities are in correspondence with scarce financial resources of enterprises and the strategy of initial economic development. The priority goals of industrial policy are integration of personnel and production strategies, coordination of personnel development goals and the enterprise financial possibilities, increase in labour motivation level, improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism of personnel management. Methodological recommendations are proposed to design the above avenues of cadre policy applied to enterprises of the Nizhni Novgorod region
Konyukhovsky Alexander
The present-day economic crisis in Russia is first of all the crisis of Russian management proper. The problem was central during a round table discussion held at the International University in Moscow. Its participants made an attempt to evaluate the causes of the crisis. which hit the Russian economy
Sokolovskaya Elena
The most promising and necessary direction in the housing policy is social housing, which may be accessible to citizens with monthly payments of a small fixed rent sum below the market lease level. Arguments are listed in favor of extending housing facilities of non-commercial use as a means to provide dwellings to the population.
Devyatov Dilyaur, Ivanov Konstantin, Mikhailov Anton
Процесс обеспечения необходимой информацией всех уровней управления крупной транснациональной компанией это сложная задача. Одним из инструментов для её решения являются информационные системы руководителя. В последние годы, в связи с укрупнением бизнеса и развитием информационных технологий, интерес к таким системам стремительно растёт. В статье систематизированы основные принципы построения информационных систем такого класса и представлено современное состояние. На основе успешного использования такой системы на Магнитогорском металлургическом комбинате даны рекомендации по оценке эффективности внедрения информационной системы руководителя.
Goncharov Vadim
Several factors impacting the design of contracts in the US Department of Defense are regarded, the level of importance of these factors in choosing the principal stages of financing military R&D is analyzed.
Popov Gavriil
Holding a Congress of the International Union of Economists has turned into a good tradition. In the present situation all arguments about the economic future and objective present-day reality are inseparably linked with the problem of crisis. The countries practice differing sets of anti-crisis measures. In the framework of the global socioeconomic and political perspective important blocs are outlined in the paper.
Zalozhnev Alexei, Chistov Dmitri, Shuremov Yevgeni
Several systemic limitations of the world financial system are described, possible ways of optimizing capital markets operation as well as methods of financing real economy and the tax system are exposed.
Ilyina Olga
The concept of organizational project management maturity is topical in the corporate project management system. A number of organizational project management maturity models possessing both certain advantages and drawbacks have been elaborated in the world. The hierarchical organizational project management maturity model helps approach and solve, in a new way, on a systemically structured basis, the problem of diagnosing and improving corporate project management systems.
Kats Iosif
The production dynamics for most important goods evidences a significant decrease in their volume compared to 1990. The paper regards the successful experience of applying a development pattern radically differing from the 'free market' model and based on a dynamic interaction between the state and the market.