Проблемы теории и практики управления


Anti-Crisis Management of Service Enterprises

Nikitina Natalya, Filatova Vera

The authors investigate the anti-crisis management mechanism which acquires particular importance under current conditions. Scientific approaches to its definition and nature are reflected.

Assessing Corporate Fraud Risks

Polikarpova Maria, Toshchilin Andrei

The current situation in the sphere of corporate fraud is analyzed. The main points of proven methodology are highlighted which allow to assess and manage risks of corporate fraud in an industrial enterprise.

Crowdsourcing as Reputation Factor

Kogan Elena

The notions of crowdsourcing and reputation are compared. It is shown that crowdsourcing may be a significant factor influencing reputation formation of various social players; in strategic perspective it allows to build a new model of social interaction.

Efficiency of Corporate and Government Procurement: Criteria of «Purity» and Rationality

Pleshchenko Vyacheslav

The author evaluates external influences on procurement which provide for its higher efficiency and transparency, competitive environment and business culture formation. He advances criteria of «purity» and rationality of government and corporate procurement.

Foreign Economic Researches: Modern Challenges

Naumova Yulia

The main statements of reports presented at the round table held on December 12, 2011 in the House of Economists are reviewed. Modern problems of Russia's integration into the world space were the topics discussed.

Innovative Development of a Region: Specific Features of Funding

Stroyeva Olesya, Sibirskaya Elena

The authors analyze the causes hindering innovative development in Russian regions, and factors which determine the specifics of funding this development in the region. They propose a scheme of relevant managerial decision-making.

Innovative Management Technologies in the Social Sphere: Systemic Interactions

Emirov Nazim

The author gives an explanation of theoretical, methodological and applied issues linked with systems of interactions of innovative management technologies in Russia's social sphere. Groups of basic and functional management technologies are identified, the essence of their pairwise interactions is demonstrated.

Managing Social Interaction

Plotnikov Mikhail, Chilipenok Yulia

Fundamental mechanisms of social interaction are described and, specific methods of social interaction management proposed.

Organizational Leadership: Impact of Gender Factor

Kuyarova Lubov, Makatrova Nadezhda

Organizational leadership theories applied to the specifics of female leadership which won the highest recognition in the 20th century are quoted. Within these theories, the significance of the gender factor for efficient leadership formation is discussed.

Project Management: Sustainable Development Orientation

Ilyina Olga

The outcomes of a sociological survey are assessed from the point of view of their impact on designing management methodology of projects, programs and project portfolios. Provisions of international professional regulations and competence requirements of project managers are taken into consideration.

Prospects of the Dominating World Currency and Russia's National Interests

Golovnin Mikhail

The article generalizes differing views on the position of U.S. dollar as dominating world currency and presents projects of how to reform the world monetary system, among them a plan aimed of introducing a new world currency.

Russian Business: Specific Features of Office Communication

Dzyaloshinsky Iosif

The results of research whose object have been processes of office communication are analyzed. In conclusion, it is recommended to improve regulations and technologies on communications in the offices of companies, departments and organizations.

Russia's Sustainable Economic Development: Historical Background

Petrakov Nikolai

The author gives a systemic assessment of the historical stages of Russian economic transformations since the end of the 19th century. He summarizes strategic errors and destabilizing factors of the country's societal and socioeconomic development.

State-Noncommercial Partnership in Regional Management

Savelyeva Marina

The article describes the essence of state-noncommercial partnership in regional management, shows its difference from state-private partnership, and lists main methods of its practicing.

The Socially-Oriented Economy of a Region: Evaluating Its Level and Choosing Development Priorities

Tonysheva Lubov, Trofimova Yulia

The article reviews the organizational and methodological approach which helps evaluate the level of the socially-oriented economy of a region, identify the trajectories of its balanced development. The technology of selecting instruments to manage the socially-oriented economy is exposed.

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