Проблемы теории и практики управления


Capital Management at Enterprise Level..

Rakhaev Boris, Uzdenova Fatima, Kudalieva Lyana

Every enterprise has its original resources flow incidental to this particular entity. With this knowledge as basis the economic "passport" of the enterprise can be described in detail. To model enterprise behaviour in different situations a series of schemes imitating this behaviour are applied, but the use of mathematical models makes the solution of the task higher in quality and more precise.

Corporate Form of Property and Corporate Management...

Dementyeva Alla

Corporate management is a component of management by CEOs with interests of shareholders and stockholders in view. An efficient system of corporate management by the board of directors predetermines efficient general management, stable and sustainable operation of the company.

Corporate Management Risks

Dubovitskaya Elena

The main idea pursued by various instruments used to mitigate corporate management risks consists in establishing and observing "the rules of game" for all its agents. High risks inherent to Russian corporate business have a negative impact on investment attractivity and the value of companies. That is why complex management system formation aimed to ease eventual failures is a necessary pre-requisite for higher competitiveness of the company.

Managing Sectoral Markets..

Zakharov Vladimir, Zakharov Ilya

The goal of sectoral markets management in an economy in transformation is to create efficient relationships in a given economic branch, the criterion of its attainment is sustainable economic growth. State policy has to promote higher efficiency of long-term profit sources and competitive advantages of producers on sectoral markets.

Off-Budgetary Activity of a Budgetary Institution: Internal Taxation Control...

Krishtalyova Taisiya

Internal control service is aimed to eliminate tax errors and search for most effective methods to prevent them. The results are indications of law violations and fiscal consequences for the institution in case deviations from the tax legislation norm occur as well as practical recommendations of how to dispose of miscalculations revealed.

Optimization of Investment Projecting in Business

Gerashchenko Irina

The simplified pattern of investment projecting proposed by the author allows to optimize the projecting process of an investment program containing alternative and interdependent subprojects. The pattern is of particular interest from the point of view of maximizing added investment value of the enterprise engaged in business activity.

Optimizing the Number of Service Center Employees

Borodulin Alexei, Zalozhnev Alexei

The optimal number of employees in a service center depends on the service calls flow intensity per time unit and the average duration of servicing a call. Besides, the average salary of center employees and the penalty paid by the economic agent in case of overtime of declared servicing are taken into consideration.

Pollution: Cost Management...

Barbanova Svetlana

The essence of regulating environmental impacts lies in converting external costs into internal ones to motivate the entrepreneur to pay off his business-related costs. With the help of deductions, taxes or subventions the state can induce economic agents to register not only private but also public costs incurred in production and consumption of goods.

Restructuring of Russian Economy as Modernization Basis

Grinberg Ruslan

Patently useless expectations are to get over 'points of tenderness' in economy in a market-based way: the market has nowhere ever formulated and pursued national economic policy, it is the prerogative power of the state, and it is only the state that is capable and authorized to realize public interests of this scale.

Russia's Economic Doctrine: Concept Choice.......

Shinkarenko Pavel V.

Review of reports made at the plenary session of the Russian Scientific Economic Assembly held on 19-20 October 2007 at M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University. The session was convoked by Governance and Problem Analysis Center attached to the RAS Branch of Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology and Law and several other scientific institutions and dedicated to researching problems of modernizing economy and economic policy in Russia.

The Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility.....

Ramazanov Altai

The world of business has to be aware that corporate social responsibility aimed at public consensus and stability is not only necessary but also profitable. Government support for this course can imply fiscal policy measures, propaganda of ideas and experience of the progressive part of business.

The Efficiency of Organization Management Instruments...

Valiulova Alsu, Prikhodko Vladimir

The operation efficiency of an organization is determined first and foremost by the efficiency of its management system but does not boil down it only. Various effects measured by different equivalents do not tie down into the aggregate effect of management accounting. Therefore complicated management instruments like management accounting should be implemented even if direct economic result measured in rubles is lacking.

The Notions of System, Structure and Form in Production Management..

Brazhnik Mikhail

The author attempts to give an overall review and analyze the notions of system, structure and form in production management in order to present and correlate them systemically. Suggested interpretations are not indisputable, all other well-grounded options in arranging these categories will have equal rights.

The Use of Self-Organizing Systems in Managing Complex Processes

Bilfeld Nikolai, Zatonsky Andrei

To manage social-technical systems it is expedient to use self-organizing systems which structure previews a second feedback path between the object and subject of management. The approach described by the authors to solve the task can be applied for a broad variety of management objects including technical and social elements.


Содержание журнала за второе полугодие 2007 г...2007 SECOND HALF-YEAR INDEX.


Изложение докладов Д. Медведева, А. Кудрина, С. Степашина и А. Аганбегяна на международной научной конференции, проходившей 26-27 октября 2007 г. в Академии народного хозяйства при Правительстве Российской Федерации.Abridged reports made by D.Medvedev, A.Kudrin, S.Stepashin and A.Aganbegyan at the international scientific conference held on 26-27 October 2007 at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

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