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About the search of partners for strategic alliance

Vysotskaya N.V., Kolodko A.O.

The concept of search and choice of partners for strategic alliance taking into account the data revealed by method of the intellectual analysis Ї an intellectual method k - average types of «an involvement of business structures into activity of alliances» locates in the article. The basic principles and provisions of formation and use of system of information and technological support of search and choice of partners for strategic alliance are offered.

Accounting policy as a tool of management of financial results

Kovrizhnykh O.E., Mingaleeva O.V.

The article considers the issues of formation of accounting policy for tax purposes, formulated rules for determining the tax burden for different tax systems, analyzes the impact of significant accounting policy on the financial performance of the company in different tax.

Analysis of the impact of technical equipment contractors for the risks of commissioning of objects of transport infrastructure

Bondarenko O.

Described the risk assessment methodology commissioning of construction projects depending on the technical equipment of building organizations. Determine the importance of survey of technical equipment construction.

Conceptual foundations of business analysis in the controlling system

Zhidkova E.A.

The article presents the conceptual foundations of business analysis in the controlling system, providing for the implementation of a specific methodological approach.

Conceptual issues of internal financial control in corporations

Zhuravleva N.V., Karmanova T.E., Podshivalova E.N.

The article describes methods of financial control within the corporate principles and classification of internal financial controls. The features of the specifics of internal corporate financial control by studying the characteristics of corporate governance and corporate control.

Development of the business environment in the provision of housing and communal services

Fedotovskaya E.Y.

The article shows the main theoretical approaches to the implementation of the basic provisions of the restructuring of the housing sector and the reform of business relations in this sphere.

Dynamic model of optimum control of a credit portfolio of commercial bank with additional criterion of liquidity of temporary structure of assets and liabilities

Halikov M.A., Gadzhiagayev M.A.

There is the statement, the formalized mathematical model of the numerical method for solving the dynamic two-level problem of formation and the management of the credit portfolio of commercial bank as part of the cumulative bank portfolio at consecutive time intervals. To the structure of criteria of optimum control of a portfolio along with the profitability and risk is also proposed to include the liquidity of temporary structure of assets and liability which allows to improve the financial stability of the bank in terms of possible «gaps» of liquidity associated with the excess of liabilities over assets in certain time intervals. Model of the first level includes monitoring, assess the quality of the loan portfolio and calculation of available funds of the bank for subsequent placement in loans. The second level model is the choice of parameters of credit and loan applications for the next time interval.

Human capital as internal factor of business financial risk

Chelukhina N.F.

Human resources of any organization is a valuable asset that provides her income, economic and financial security in the long term. Many employers buy for employees corporate policies of personal insurance. Traditionally, compulsory and voluntary insurance of employees is considered as an element of the social package or the part of employee compensation, which can take many forms. However, many types of risk covered by such policies, have a negative impact not only on the finances of the employee, but also lead to additional costs and losses to employers. The article analyzes the risks associated with the use of company of labor resources. Here we determine the impact of these risks on the financial resources of company, give the recommendations on the use of different types of insurance to regulate such risks and solving other management problems.

Improving human resource management system through the formation of professional communicative competence

Sukhenko S.A.

The article examines the stages of formation of the competence approach in labor economics. The analysis of the concepts of «competence» and «competence» in the context of the theory of human resource management. The structure of professional competence of the manager. Presented component model structure of communicative competence. The urgency of the formation of professional communicative competence as a factor in improving human resource management system.

Improving information exchange in the system of combating legalization of criminal proceeds and financing of terrorism

Gamonenko S.S.

The article examines the shortcomings of the information-sharing mechanism between the main entities of initial financial monitoring - credit institutions and Rosfinmonitoring, proposed measures on improvement of interaction between them in order to improve the efficiency of the system of combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

Insurance and quality of life: the interconnection and interdependence

Ivanenko O.E.

This article discusses the most important parameters characterizing the standard of living of the population in the conditions of demographic aging of society. Special attention is paid to issues of insecurity and social was planned in old age, which adversely affects the condition of the working-age population. To improve the status of economically and socially weaker sections of the population, to create certain protection and security designed the social security system. Under social security, you should understand the process of social protection and social insurance - one of forms of implementation of this process.

Intelligent Enterprise: concept, development trends in the theory and practice of human resource management

Pronina A.M.

The article presents fragments of the theory of human resource management in terms of the formation of the intellectual capital of the company in the context of its holistic organizational and administrative operation and development in the conditions of activation of business relations.

Islamic insurance: the tool of anticrisis managment?

Babenkova S. Yu.

This article describes the basic principles of Islamic insurance, its conceptual differences from the approaches used in the classical insurance, including in Russia. We considered and analyzed the prospects for the implementation and development of these tools in our country, including in the context of economic sanctions applied by a number of western countries.

Market research of behavior of information consumers

Balabanova A.V.

The article considers the essence and content of marketing research, information needs, and consumer behavior on the market of information services.

Methodical aspects of planning costs in management accounting and analysis

Puchkova N.V.

Planned and actual data about the level of costs of the organization are used to analyze the results of the execution of planned targets, determine the effectiveness of organizational and technical measures for the development of production of analytical calculations. The article describes the principles of planning costs, designated purpose of cost allocation, methodological aspects of planning expenditures under management accounting and analysis.

Models of pawnshop business in the world practice

Kryvoruchko S.V.

In the article are presented the development and regulation problems of pawnshop activity in the crisis conditions. It includes brief description of different pawnshop business models by regions and by countries. Today pawnshops are interested by those people who are not able to receive credit in the bank that makes them popular all over the world.

Modern trends in the management and increasing the competitiveness of industrial cluster associations in Russia

Akhmetov L.A., Skvirya D.V.

The article discusses the issues and problems in the functioning of the cluster through the establishment of cooperative and mutually beneficial relations between contractors, suppliers of technologies and resources, related enterprises and the enterprises-manufacturers of raw materials for the organizations included in the cluster.

Pharmaceutical industry analysis: problems and prospects for the development

Sukhorukova M.G.

This article is dedicated to the analysis of the pharmaceutical market in Russia. Dynamics of the pharmaceutical market in Russia and abroad is considered. The main problems which domestic producers face are revealed. Also the perspectives of the solution of these problems through strategy implementation «Farm - 2020» have been considered.

Problems of creation and functioning clusters associations

Skvirya D.V.

In the article problems and experience of creation and functioning of industrial clusters are considered. The special conditions, characteristic competitive advantages therefore the measures undertaken for creation of a cluster have to consider these conditions are inherent in each region. Depending on number of participants in most cases control of a cluster is exercised by the management company (MC) which is the specialized organization of operational management, the carrying-out expert and analytical, organizational, methodical and information maintenance.

Risk estimate and management of insurance companies: the role of underwriter and surveyor in loss control

Zhuravin S.G., Kuznetsova I.S., Surovtsov M.M.

The system of high-quality risk-management is a provider of financial resistance and stability for insurance company. The point raised in this publication is the lack of formed methodology for creating organized system of effective risk control, and the second one is insufficient professional level of education of underwriter and surveyor - core experts in this system.

Social Credit: promising direction of further reforming of the Russian pension system

Goncharov P.P.

Russian pension system faced serious challenges. It’s distributive and insurance components can’t rich aims of pension system in the long-term because of high degree of dependence on demographic situation; it’s accumulative component - because of not enough reliability caused by dependence on conjuncture of the financial market. On our mind, ways of improving the defect of third component can be found. In this connection, scientists face the task to create the conception of investing pension savings, which would provide both increase in stability of pension system and positive influence on other parameters of socioeconomic development of the country.

Strategy as a tool for promoting competitive advantages of the bank

Kuznetsova E.I., Nazirov V.R., Rusavskaya A.V.

Various methods of achieving and retaining competitive advantages in the financial markets contributed to the diversity of forms of competition. In the article it is defined that in modern conditions of development of the Russian banking sector competitive strategy is an important tool for improving the competitiveness of its members on the targeted market segments and to ensure their financial sustainability in the long term.

Strategy of increase of competitiveness of the Russian automotive industry

Gusov A.Z., Buravov S.V.

In the article the analysis of major factors and the directions of increase of competitiveness of the Russian automotive industry in the conditions of formation of modern innovative economy.

The Derivatives market

Barinov E.A.

The article considers the main types of financial instruments traded on the derivatives market.

The effectiveness of marketing management of the internal labour market

Sarkisyan A.S.

The article describes the evaluation methodology marketing management personnel of the company. The article shows the essence and structure of marketing management of firm. Analyzed the valuation principles of marketing labor management personnel. The conclusions about the impact of marketing management on the efficiency of employees.

The Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation: the transformation and implementation issues

Zasipkin K.N.

The comparison of Russia’s energy strategy up to 2030 and up to 2035 was made in the article. The basic directions of transformation of Russia’s energy strategy were analyzed. The necessity of creating a high-performance workplaces in the energy sector to ensure the implementation of innovative processes was described.

The main trends in attracting investments in the development of the territories of the Russian Federation

Sharipov F.F., Ravilova R.S.

In the following article analyzes the current state of attraction of investments in the real sector of the economy and development of industrial infrastructure. Describes the complex of the measures that state authorities which done to improve the investment climate in the country. Identified the key trends of attraction of investments in the Russian regions based on analysis.

Theoretical and metodological approaches to economic zoning of Russia in the conditions of innovative development

Nikitskaya E.F., Astapenko M.S., Oslopova T.P.

The In the article the theoretical analysis of the categories of «region» and «the subject of the Russian Federation», summarizes the modern forms of organization of regional socioeconomic and innovative development of Russia is proved the ability of regions to fully implement the functions of the national innovation system.

The principles of banking supervision from Basel I to Basel III

Sakovich Yu. A.

This article discusses the basic principles and content of supervision over the activities of banks and the measurement of capital and standards.

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