Защита и карантин растений


Beneficial insects - a reliable support for the one dealing with plant protection

Yarkulov F.Ya.

Effectiveness of seed dressers against the wireworms on tilled crops

Orlov V.N., Zelenskaya O.M.

The article presents data on the biological effectiveness of insecticidal seed treatments based on imidacloprid, clothianidin, thiamethoxam, and tefluthrin. Experiments were conducted on maize and sunflower against the larvae of click-beetles (wireworms).

Effectiveness of the biological product Gamair in the protection of plums against the fruit rots

Leonov N.N.

The results of test of Gamair alone and together with fungicides Horus and Skor in protection of plum fruit rot (Monilia cinerea Bonord.) are presented. The development of the disease during the years of research was determined. The biological effectiveness of Gamair was established. Treatment with Gamair allows two to reduce the rate of fungicides in the protection system of the plum. The increase in the plum yield was 6 centner per ha in average for three years in comparison with the conventional processing. The optimal dosage of Gamair was established 0,07 kg/ha.

Epidemics of plant diseases: monitoring, forecasting, control

Sanin S.S.

Jubilee of FSBI "Rosselkhozcenter"

Malko A.M., Shlyakhov V.A.

Linen industry on the way to revival

Rozhmina T.A., Pavlova L.N., Ponazhev V.P., Zakharova L.M.

The material characterising a modern condition in flax cultivation is stated. The reasons led to decrease of efficiency of functioning of branch and interfering its revival are analysed. The problems directed on overcoming of the crisis phenomena in flax cultivation are designated. The role of variety, seed-growing and protective actions in productivity and quality increase, maintenance of manufacture competitive flax products is shown. The scientific workings out directed on increase of efficiency of cultivation of fibre-flax are offered. Productivity of development of scientific achievements in linen branch is shown.

Method for calculating wheat yield losses from diseases

Sanin S.S., Ibragimov T.Z., Strizhekozin Yu.A.

A computational method is proposed for estimating the loss of wheat grain harvest from the most dangerous diseases by the indicators of plant damage in certain phases of vegetation using empirical relationships (equations) and severity scales. Equations and scales are compiled on the basis of the results of longterm field experiments. The calculation error for the probability level of 90 % does not exceed 10 %.

Phytoplasma diseases of cereals in the Middle Volga region

Bogoutdinov D.Z., Kastalieva T.B., Girsova N.V.

Phytoplasma diseases of cultivated and wild cereals found in the Middle Volga region. Their casual agents have been identified. Dwarfing of winter wheat was caused by phytoplasma belonging to subgroup 16SrI-C. Yellowish of spring barley, rediness of Hungarian bromegrass, bushiness of perennial ryegrass, lack of spikes in couch grass was shown to be a result of 16SrI phytoplasma group infection. Phytoplasma from subgroup 16SrXII-A was found in Hungarian bromegrass and bushgrass. White leaves of smooth meadow-grass were associated with phytoplasma subgroup 16SrXIV. The article contains description of major phytoplasma diseases occurring in RF on plants of the family Gramineae (Poaceae).





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