Зоологический журнал


Behavioral sensibility of

Romanenko V.N.

The experiments on the behavior of

Collembolan community (Hexapoda, Collembola) in arable chernozems of Kursk oblast

Mironov S.Yu.

The structure of the collembolan community (taxon ratio, species richness, morphoecological spectrum, and spatial organization) was investigated in arable chernozem of Kursk oblast. The collembolan community included about 40 species. Predominant Onychiuridae penetrated to the soil up to a depth of 50 cm. The cluster analysis showed that the Collembola groups in the thick typical chernozem were closer to their communities in the gray forest soils than those in some other soils. The vertical distribution of Collembola in the soils was related to specific features of the plant cover. The influence of soil erosion on the Collembola population in the thick typical chernozem was insignificant.

Food selectivity

Prudkovsky Л.A.

The medusa

General parameters of organization of forest-steppe rodent communities

Litvinov Yu. N., Senotrusova M.M., Demidovich P.A.

Проведен сравнительный анализ состава и организации сообществ диких грызунов эталонных участков лесостепи, расположенных в разных районах Сибири: зональной лесостепи (Северная Ку-лунда, Новосибирская обл.), лесостепных и степных участков (Хакасия), Тажеранской степи (Прибайкалье, Иркутская обл.). Показано, что структура сообществ грызунов отдельных участков зависит от количества и происхождения составляющих эти участки микроландшафтов. Изученные сообщества различаются по структурно-информационным параметрам разнообразия и уровню стабильности, наиболее высоким в Кулунде. В целом, разные лесостепные участки Сибири имеют сходные параметры организации сообществ грызунов. Сходство заключается в близких значениях качественного и количественного состава и структуры населения, что говорит об общих закономерностях формирования и функционирования сообществ лесостепных и степных ландшафтов


Labutin Yu. V., Ellin D.H.

In Yakutia, gyrfalcon nests in tundra, torest-tundra, and taiga and may occur in the northeastern and, sometimes, in the northwestern parts, being almost absent or occasional over the large area separating these regions. The southern boundary of the nesting site is nowhere below 64°N. In central Yakutia, gyrfalcon was suggested to be met as a visitant or migratory species. The long-term studies showed that this species occurred there in all the seasons, including winter periods. This fact became a reason to consider the bird as a migratory and wintering (not always) species, despite its repeated comings to inhabited localities that indicated difficulties in birds during winter periods. There are about 30 and 6 species of birds and mammals, respectively, in the gyrfalcon diet in Yakutia. The prevalence of birds is evident (65.4 to 91.3%). In the composition of food species, the share of willow and rock ptamigans is high everywhere, although in the Lower Kolyma tundra, they give way to ducks (19.2 and 30.7%, respectively). Ptamigans as an diet item seems to be of particular importance for the survival of the species. Gyrfalcons prey birds of medium size, such as ptamigans, ducks, and sandpipers. Large (geese, caterpillars) and small (small passerines) birds become gyrfalcon's prey less often. Species of open and semi-open habitats are mostly preferable among mammals. Drastic changes in the forage reserves of gyrfalcon are one of the most serious causes leading to the changes in its number and participation in the reproductive cycles

Microarthropod communities in anthropogenic urban soils. 2.Seasonal dynamics of microarthropod number in crossing curb soils

EitminaviciTite /.

The seasonal dynamics of microarthropods in anthropogenic soils of Vilnius city street crossing curbs was studied. The microarthropod communities were found to suffer from traffic exhaust gases. The microarthropod number was minimal in the street curb soils. At a distance of 10 m from the curb (at the center of a green plot), the number of microarthropods increased significantly, but it did not reach the values typical for the soil of the control plot. The dynamics of the microarthropod abundance in the anthropogenic and natural soils studied were similar with increasing the numbers of microarthropods in the autumn-winter period (October-December). The microarthropod communities, which have developed in the anthropogenic soil studied, were unstable and characterized by a high level of dominance of few species. The oribatids

Organization of song in the Goldmammer

Panov E.N., Ncpomnyashchikh V.A., Zykova L. Yu.

Postlarval ontogenesis of tentacle apparatus in the sipunculid

Adrianov A.V., Malakhov V.V., Maiorova A.S.

The postlarval development of the tentacle apparatus in the sipunculid,

Shell amoebae (Testacea) in ant hill of

Korganova G.A., Rakhlceva A.A.

Shell amoebae (Testacea) population was investigated in soil litter layers and in a

Spatial and demographic structure of

Zhigal'sky O.A., Belan O.R.

Проведен совместный анализ миграционной активности, демографической и пространственной структуры популяции красно-серой полевки в трех высотных поясах Южного Урала. Местообитания различаются по типу использования и характеризуются как зоны резервации и временного проживания. Выявлены различия в динамике демографической и пространственной структуры животных на этих территориях. В биотопах, используемых для расселения и временного проживания, степень агрегированности выше, чем в местах постоянного обитания, причем локальная плотность и доля занятой территории изменяются параллельно. Не обнаружено связи между общим уровнем численности и миграционной активностью животных. На территориях с высокой степенью неоднородности общая численность может быть низкой, но плотность в скоплениях - значительной, что не исключает (даже при низкой общей плотности населения) "включения" плотностно-зависимой регуляции.

Testate amoebae from freshwater ecosystems of the Sura River basin (Middle Volga Region). 1.Fauna and morphological-ecologicals characteristics of species

Mazei Yu. A., Tsyganov A.N.

The fauna and morphological-ecological characteristics of testate amoebae inhabiting streams, rivers, lakes, and ponds from the Sura River basin were investigated. 102 species of 16 genera were detected. The richest genera are

The diel dynamics of vertical migration in hortobiotic spiders (Aranei) in clayey semi-desert of the northern Caspian Sea basin

Piterkina T.V.

The diel periodicity of vertical migrations of herbage-dwelling spiders was investigated in natural biotopes of clayey semi-desert of the northern Caspian Sea basin (western Kazakhstan). Steppe biotopes (microdepres-sions) and desert ones (microelevations) are shown to have much in common: the abundance and the family composition of the spider population of both biotopes are similar; they differ little only in summer periods. The amplitude of diel fluctuations in the spider abundance is rather significant what is quite typical for cenoses of open space. In spring and autumn, the peaks of spider abundance in both types of biotopes are at night, when air temperature is minimal. In summer, in addition to the night abundance peaks, there are daytime rises due to an increase in the activity of representatives of "southern" taxa - Thomisidae in desert associations and Thomisidae + Salticidae, in steppe ones. The diel rhythmics of vertical migrations in hortobiotic spiders is a complicated phenomenon, which is determined by a number of factors. It is conditioned by environmental factors to some extent and, partly, by the vertical migrations of their preys - phytophagous insects. Thus, the ecological niches in spiders of different taxa are separated in time according to their adaptation to climatic conditions. It brings to a decrease in the competition between representatives of different taxa.

The formation of the soil invertebrate complex in forest plantations of the Caspian complex semi-desert

Vsevolodova-Perel T.S.

In the Caspian complex clayey semi-desert, in forest plantations on meadow chestnut soils of closed mesolow-lands, the complex of soil invertebrates mainly consists of widespread polyzonal species of different taxonomic groups. The background species predominate. Among the dominant saprophags are Diptera larvae and earthworms (probably brought with planting stock) and specially introduced

To the 100* birthday anniversary of Oleg Izmailovich Semenov-Tyan-Shanskii

Kataev G.D.

Wilson Don E., Reeder DeeAnn M. (eds.). 2005. Mammal species of the World: a taxonomic and geographic reference

Pavlinov /. Ya.

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