Trepet S.A., Eskina T.G., Bibina K.V.
The scale of anthropogenic transformation of the Caucasian chamois population (Rupicapra rupicapra caucasica Lydekker 1910) is shown, a local grouping of chamois from the Lagonaki Plateau, northwest Caucasus taken as an example. A theoretical size of the distribution area of the local chamois grouping under study is established as covering 58 000 ha, the fodder capacity as 45 individuals per 1000 ha. At present the actual area of the habitat is about 20000 ha, having decreased over the last 100 years by 66%. Currently the density of the grouping does not exceed 5 individuals per 1000 ha, that is, 9 times lower than theoretically possible. No positive population dynamics is observed, despite the nature reserve status of the territory over the past 23 years. The chamois metapopulation structure is concluded to gradually grow simplified, while the prospects of a long-term conservation of the species in the northwestern Caucasus are under threat.
Ivanter E.V., Kurhinen Ju. P.
As a result of long-term (1966-2015) stationary and expedition research in Eastern Fennoscandia, specific changes in the structure and numbers of rodent populations under the influence of intense lumbering were revealed. General patterns of the influence of intense forest exploitation on natural habitats, the numbers, territorial distribution and ecological features of smaller rodents in the region were analyzed. Most of the rodent species were shown to react to industrial lumbering by a population numbers decrease, a shift to erratic population dynamics with sudden short recoveries and deep long-term depressions, and the formation of a mosaic spatial distribution, as well as by violating the rates and reducing the intensity of breeding and population reproduction.
Khamenkova E.V., Teslenko V.A., Tiunova T.M.
The taxonomic composition of macrobenthos fauna and its distribution in the tributaries and mainstream mid-size salmon Ola River, northern coast of the Sea of Okhotsk were investigated for the first time. In the Ola River basin, 253 taxa of benthic invertebrates belonging to 3 phyla (Plathelminthes, Annelida and Ar-thropoda) and 5 classes (Turbellaria, Clitellata, Crustacea, Arachnida and Insecta) were revealed. Mayflies (Ephemeroptera), stoneflies (Plecoptera), caddisflies (Trichoptera) and Diptera chironomids (Chironomidae) showed the highest species richness and dominated the benthic communities. Most of the fauna (140 species and species groups, or more than 55% of the total) belonged to chironomids. The shares of identified species of mayflies, stoneflies and caddisflies were subequal. An analysis of hydromorphological characteristics and the composition of aquatic insect families revealed that all areas surveyed in the Ola River basin were rhythral while the macrobenthos fauna represented rhythron. Classification obtained through cluster analysis showed spatial heterogeneity in the distribution of benthic fauna along the Ola River run related to changes in temperature, river slope and elevation above sea-level. The heterogeneic fauna distribution and the corresponding change in stable hydromorphological features showed typical epi-, meta- and hyporhythral subzones whose boundaries were difficult to distinguish. However, the rhythral subzones selected were characterized by the habitat selectivity of individual taxa and by peculiar species richness values, thus emphasizing their distinction.
Lukyanchuk O.A., Marova I.M., Red'kin Ya. A.
The geographical variability of morphological and bioacoustic features of long-tailed tits (Aegithalos cauda-tus) was considered in populations ranging from Scandinavia and Eastern Europe to the Pacific coast, with the validity of the questioned subspecies Ae. c. japonicus, Ae. c. brachyurus and Ae. c. sibiricus tested. Based on a study of 9 morphometric features and 3 characters of coloration across the distribution area of white-headed long-tailed tits, from Eastern Europe and Scandinavia to Primorye and Sakhalin, variations in these features are shown to be either slightly fluctuating or clinal. Vocalizations in the nominate subspecies were analyzed for the first time. When comparing both morphological and acoustic features of the samples from adjacent regions, no significant differences were found; hence the names Ae. c. sibiricus and Ae. c. brachyurus must be considered as synonymous with the nominate subspecies Ae. c. caudatus. Only the populations of long-tailed tits from the southern Kuril Islands and Hokkaido can be regarded as a separate subspecies, Ae. c. japonicus.
Makarova A.A., Polilov A.A.
In this final article of the series, the structure and fine structure of the brain of the greenhouse thrips, Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis (Thripidae), are described. They were studied through a series of histological sections using both three-dimensional computer-based reconstructions and transmission electron microscopy. Structural peculiarities of the brain organization and its features associated with body miniaturization, as well as its quantitative characteristics (the number of cells and the volume of zones) were highlighted for the first time both in the imago and first instar nymph of Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis. Distinctions were suggested of the miniaturization limits of the nervous system for holo- and hemimetabolous insects.
Tsellarius A. Yu., Tsellarius E. Yu., Galoyan E.A.
Friendly intersexual relationships in Brauneri lizard are characterized by high levels of spatial association (frequency of male attendance female's comfort areas, ZA) and by high frequency of affiliative behaviour both male (Am) and female (Af). Territory of each male is used by several females simultaneously. If a male has A-partner, Am and ZA do not increase on relation to any other female up to death of A-partner. Among main causes of male monogyny are monopolisation by females their comfort areas and A-female's moderation of affiliative behaviour of male and "females-claimants", i.e., monogyny is a result of competition between females to a considerable extent. Initiation of A-interrelation is possible in only conditions of high population density, small home ranges and long-continued stay of females in open sites. Thus, social relationships are also determined with ecological conditions.
Stolyarov A.P.
The species, spatial and trophic structures of the macrobenthos of the Ermolinskaya Bay were studied and the main changes that have occurred since the previous explorations (the 1960's) analyzed. The most significant changes of the spatial structure of the macrobenthos community (species diversity, population density and biomass, and similarities in the distribution of species) were observed as regards the maregraphic level - from the upper littoral to the middle littoral, the lower one, and the sublittoral. A longitudinal gradient of the community structure (from the nook area seaward) was less strongly pronounced. Altogether, 4 macroben-thos communities can be identified in the Ermolinskaya Bay differing in species composition, diversity, population density and biomass, and trophic structure: 1) community of the upper littoral with the dominance of collecting detritophages, Hydrobia ulvae, and scrapers, Littorina saxatilis; 2) community of the middle littoral with the prevalence of detritophages, Hydrobia ulvae and Macoma balthica, sestonophages, Mya arenaria, and, to a lesser extent, Mytilus edulis; 3) community of the lower littoral with the domination of filtration organisms, Mytilus edulis, to a lesser extent also collecting detritophages, Hydrobia ulvae and Macoma balthica, and scrapers, Littorina littorea; and 4) community of the sublittoral, where the leading positions are taken up by the group of collecting detritophages, Macoma balthica, to a lesser extent also Hydrobia ulvae (in the nook) and Capitella capitata, Arenicola marina (in the marine part of the bay). In the Ermolinskaya lagoon, the main factors to affect the distribution of macrobenthos are the character of the sediment, the organic matter content and Eh. The bay's gradual siltation and reduced connection to the sea have led to the impoverishment of the fauna and the development in the sublittoral of a littoral complex of species, whereas the species typical of the sublittoral in the 1960' are now mainly found at the entrance to the bay.
Gural-Sverlova N.V., Gural R.I.
Anatomical studies confirm the presence of the synanthropic species Oxychilus draparnaudi in western Ukraine. Conchologically, the species from Odessa which was earlier referred to as O. draparnaudi resembles the Alpine Oxychilus mortilleti. Theoretically, O. mortilleti could have been introduced to Odessa as far back as the XIX century together with construction material (sandstone) from the seaport of Triest, northwestern Italy. Conchological distinctions of O. draparnaudi from western Ukraine and O. cf. mortilleti from Odessa are analyzed. The genitalia of O. draparnaudi from Western Ukraine (Lviv) are compared to the literature data available from other parts of the species distribution area.
Larionov A.G.
Modern information on the distribution of the rook, Corvus frugilegus L., in Yakutia, at the northeastern range limit in Asia, is presented. A history of this species' distribution spreading over the last 30 years is traced. Data on the breeding biology and feeding of the rook are given.
Genus Spermophilus is known for the relatively high level of hybridization among its members in nature. In nature the hybrid origins of some animals can be determined only using methods of molecular genetics. The contact zone of the ranges of S. pygmaeus and S. erythrogenys sensu lato in the Karaganda region of Kazakhstan hasn't yet been researched, and hybridization between these two species has not been shown. This article is based on 123 individuals from 40 localities which were studied using mitochondrial (control region, 322 bp) and nuclear (proto-oncogene P53 intron 6, 191-267 bp) markers. The borders of the ranges for these species were determined. This study proves the possibility of hybridization of the two examined species in nature. And at least some hybrids are fertile. Hybrids from different generations and probably back-crosses are common only along the narrow contact line of their two ranges. In phenotypically pure populations outside the contact zone, there is no introgression of foreign mtDNA.
Tracking animals throughout the annual cycle is key to understanding their migratory connectivity and identifying conservation needs. Thus, Cattle Egrets (Bubulcus ibis) were ringed in 12 South African heronries and resighted from 1951 through 1987. Birds were ringed as chicks mostly in the Western Cape and Gauteng provinces. During this period, 46160 birds were ringed, with a total of 481 ringed birds recovered. In total, 76% of juveniles and 68% of adults were recovered two and more years after ringing, 0-100 km around their natal places. Most birds (52.9%) were recovered within 30 km of their natal colony, and only 9.4% of birds further than 1000 km from these sites. More than 2/3 of birds travelled in easterly and northern directions. Birds ringed in the former Transvaal winter in central Africa, Western Cape birds mostly winter on the eastern coast, and KwaZulu-Natal egrets winter in central and south-eastern Africa. The population from the interior is more migratory than that from the coast.
На северо-востоке Верхнезейской равнины в долине реки Арги в Амурской области обнаружена серая полевка, которая по результатам анализа нуклеотидной последовательности контрольного региона отнесена к группе "maximowiczii" рода Alexandromys и наиболее близка к эворонской полевке. Число хромосом двух кариотипированных особей равно 36. Дифференциальное окрашивание хромосом показало, что полевки в долине реки Арги имеют хромосомную изменчивость по числу плеч аутосом (NFa = 51-52) и не имеют маркерных хромосом, описанных для полевки Максимовича.