Markova E.A., Strukova T.V., Borodin A.V.
To discriminate the general criteria for classifying arvicoline species as paleoenvironmnental proxies in studies on the Late Pleistocene and Holocene environmental dynamics, published data on the distribution and ecological preferences of the species inhabiting the central part of northern Eurasia are compiled. Abiotic and biotic characteristics of the habitats used by each of the 17 species involved for breeding, feeding and dispersal, as well as for survival in unfavorable conditions are considered along with information on thermal neutral zones and trophic preferences. The most stable and conservative ecological preferences across a species modern distribution range are shown to be requirements to soil and vegetation properties within breeding and/or survival habitats, as well as trophic specialization. Based on the factors limiting the modern distribution and abundance of the study species, a classification of the arvicolines from the central part of northern Eurasia is developed. The study clarifies the parameters which are possible to reconstruct using arvicoline taxa as pa-leoenvironmental proxies when dealing with the micromammalian assemblages that date back to the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. It also contributes to a better understanding of the position of this taxonomic group within the entire complex of paleoecological proxies. This approach to establishing ecological groups is unified for all representatives of the subfamily and may serve as a template for classifying the species from adjacent and distant regions in the Northern Hemisphere.
Berman D.I., Leirikh A.N.
The distribution of soil invertebrates from different taxa and the adaptive potential of all three cold hardiness strategies in the cold climate of northeastern Asia are analyzed. The correlation between the resistance to low temperatures and the wintering conditions in habitats of some species is studied. The mechanisms and degree of cold hardiness are shown to generally be unrelated to the taxonomic proximity. The effect of the resistance to low wintering temperatures on the habitat distribution and faunogenesis of soil invertebrates in permafrost regions is discussed.
Shabalin S.A.
Впервые описаны личинки Trox ussuriensis Balthasar, T koreanus Kim, T. zoufali Balthasar, Glyptotrox ineptus (Balthasar) из семейства Trogidae. Личинка T. ussuriensis Balthasar отличается от личинки T. sabulosus (Linnaeus) расположением шипиков в первой складке 1-го брюшного тергита, хетотаксией головной капсулы. T. koreanus Kim от личинок Т. zoufali Balthasar и T. scaber (Linnaeus) отличается хетотаксией головной капсулы, наличника и верхней губы. Личинка T. zoufali Balthasar близка к личинкам T. koreanus Kim и T. scaber (Linnaeus), от которых отличается хетотаксией головной капсулы. Личинка Glyptotrox ineptus (Balthasar) близка к личинке G. mandli (Balthasar), от которой отличается хетотаксией головной капсулы и наличника, наличием бороздок на лобном склерите. Приведена оригинальная определительная таблица личинок Trogidae Дальнего Востока России.
Severtsov A.S.
Variations in local population densities are common in many fish, amphibian, bird and smaller mammal species. Aggregations attract predators, the main factor of nonselective elimination in schooling fish shoals, smaller bird flocks, aggregations of disseminating underyearling anuran amphibians and smaller rodents. Very high degrees of similarity of external phenotypic traits are characteristic of monospecific fish shoals and smaller bird flocks. Aggregations are adaptive, because they facilitate locomotion and the location of abundant food sources irregularly distributed in space. The “multiple eyes” effect allows a timely detection of danger. Phenotypic monomorphism, including the behavioral one, hampers the predator’s choice of a prey, often rendering its attack unsuccessful. A group attack of predators disorganizes the aggregation’s defensive maneuvering and ensures hunting success. The “dilution effect” plays crucial roles in these conditions. The more numerous the aggregation, the higher the probability of any individual member’s survival. The dilution effect is inherent to any aggregation irrespective of the degree of monomorphism of its constituent organisms, on the assumption of their equal availability to predators. This peculiarity is characteristic of many bird colonies, dispersing young smaller rodents, underyearling anurans leaving their native pond etc. Aggregations are adaptations to two very important factors: food supply and defense. The more numerous the aggregation, the higher its adaptive value. Inside an aggregation, the fitness of all of its members is the same, but the more numerous the aggregation and the greater the dilution, the higher the chances for the survival of any individual. The larger aggregations are more fit than less numerous ones. The reproductive success and thus the contributions to the next generation’s abundance are higher in larger aggregations. That is what group selection is, groups rather than the constituent organisms being selected for.
Solovyev A.V.
A list of species of Limacodidae from Taiwan is given (58 species, 43 genera). Six new species are described: Calauta obscura sp. n., Ceratonema apodina sp. n., Trichogyia concava sp. n., Neiraga fulva sp. n., Sansarea formosana sp. n., and Griseothosea rufula sp. n. The species Mastumurides bicolor (Shiraki 1913) comb. n., is transferred from the genus Thosea Walker 1855, thus forming a new generic combination.
Vangeluwe D., Rozenfeld S.B., Volkov S.V., Kazanzidis S., Morosov V.V., Zamyatin D.O., Kirtaev G.V.
To reveal the origin of the breeding sites of a new, growing, wintering population of Bewick’s Swan (Cygnus bewickii) in the delta of Evros River, Greece, in the August of 2015 and 2016 we deployed 14 GPS-GSM 30 g transmitters on adult swans moulting at the Baydaraskaya Bay, Yamal Peninsula, Russia. A total of 11 swans were tracked down to their wintering areas. Three very distinct wintering areas were identified: the Evros Delta (eastern Mediterranean), the Volga Delta, northern Caspian Sea (within both Russia and Kazakhstan), Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and westernmost China), and Lake Poyang (Yangtze Basin, China). Bewick’s Swans from Yamal were thus found wintering in the Evros Delta for the first time. Altogether, three new migration routes were revealed for this species:.western (Evros and Volga deltas), central (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and westernmost China) and eastern (Lake Poyang). We also investigated the migration track length, the network of stopover sites (14 were identified) and the migration strategy for each of the routes identified. The appearance of new wintering sites (in southeastern Europe and Central Asia) could be related to the remarkable numbers growth of breeding and moulting swans in Yamal along with a strong decrease observed in the population wintering in the North Sea coasts, likely as a result of habitat change. No reliable relation could be established between these two opposite trends. Our results show that Bewick’s Swans from the Yamal Peninsula are capable to using a wide range of ecosystems as stopover and wintering sites. A distance of over 8000 km separates the Evros Delta from Lake Poyang. Considering both global warming and the apparent ecological plasticity of the species, its distribution area can be predicted to further expand in the near future, with some stopover areas potentially to be used as wintering sites.
Pozdnyakov A.A., Abramov S.A., Lopatina N.V., Litvinov Yu. N.
As a result of the study of the morphotypic variability of flat-headed voles over most of their distribution range, 23 morphotypes of the first lower molar (M
Prosvirov A.S.
New data on the distribution and taxonomy of some Palaearctic species of click-beetles of the subfamily Agrypninae are given. The external morphology and genitalia of the previously unknown females of Compso-lacon korotjaevi Gur. and C. agrestis (Vats et Kash.) comb. n. are described. Several taxa are recorded from the following territories for the first time: the genus Eumoeus Cand. in the Palaearctic Region, the species Com-psolacon agrestis comb. n. and C. himalayanus Jag. in Afghanistan, Compsolacon turkestanicus (Schw.) in Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan, Danosoma conspersum (Gyll.) in Kazakhstan, Lacon quadrinodatus Lew. in Russia and L. unicolor (Cand.) in Iraq. Several North Indian species of Agrypnus Esch. are transferred to Compsolacon Rtt., and their systematic positions are briefly discussed: C. agrestis, C. inlustris (Vats et Kash.), C. jacksoni (Vats et Kash.), C. kuluensis (Vats et Kash.), C. maisus (Vats et Kash.), C.planocorpus (Vats et Kash.), C. ra-meshi (Vats et Kash.), C. repercussus (Vats et Kash.), C. solanensis (Vats et Kash.), C. souslapisus (Vats et Kash.), C. subargillus (Vats et Kash.), C. subfaenum (Vats et Kash.) and C. sublapideus (Vats et Kash.) (all comb. n.). The following new combinations are also proposed: Compsolacon aequalis (Cand.) comb. n. and Compsolacon brachychaetus (Kollar) comb. n. (both ex Lacon). The following new synonyms are established: Lacon funebris (Sols.) = Adelocera grisea Schw. syn. n. = Adelocera incompta Kr. syn. n.; Eumoeus murrayi Cand. = Tetralobus quadrifoveatus Vats et Kash. syn. n.
Gildenkov M. Yu.
The Thinodromus lunatus species group is reviewed. The following new species are described: Thinodromus (s. str.) cattiensis sp. n. from Vietnam; Thinodromus (s. str.) forsteri sp. n. from southern Thailand; Thinodromus (s. str.) himalayensis sp. n. from Nepal and northern India; Thinodromus (s. str.) inconspicuus sp. n. from southern China, Thailand and Vietnam; Thinodromus (s. str.) spotus sp. n. from southern China. The following new synonymy is established: Thinodromus (s. str.) deceptor (Sharp 1889) = Thinodromus (s. str.) gravelyi (Bernhauer 1926), syn. n. = Thinodromus (s. str.) reitterianus (Bernhauer 1938), syn. n. Lectotypes are designated for Trogophloeus lunatus Motschulsky 1857, Trogophloeuspustulatus Bernhauer 1904, Trogophloeus so-cius Bernhauer 1904, Trogophloeus sumatrensis Bernhauer 1915, Trogophloeus lewisi Cameron 1919, Trogophloeus gravelyi Bernhauer 1926, Trogophloeus reitterianus Bernhauer 1938, Trogophloeus unipustulatus Cameron 1941. A key is presented to all species of the Thinodromus lunatus group.
Babenko A.B.
A total of 139 collembolan species from 55 genera were found in a patch of coastal tundra near the settlement of Lawrence in the eastern part of Chukotka Peninsula. The local fauna of the region is quite “Beringian” in species composition, but its structure appears to be in full agreement with the known characteristics of southern tundra faunas of other sectors in the Arctic. The specificity of collembolan complexes of the main plant associations in the area in question is not very high because the predominating collembolan species inhabit a wide range of communities, as a rule. The performed study on Collembola fails to confirm the conventional view of a significantly higher diversity of northeastern Palaearctic faunas. Despite the rather southern position of the surveyed coastal tundra, the species richness of its collembolan fauna seems to be the same or only slightly higher than that typical of analogous landscapes in the other Arctic sectors. The apparent discrepancy between a relatively low diversity of Collembola at the local level as shown in the present paper and its rich regional fauna is suggested to be accounted for by an increased differentiation of the Collembola fauna of the region characterized by very complex orography and extremely contrasting climatic conditions.
Erofeeva M.N., Alekseeva G.S., Sorokin P.A., Naidenko S.V.
Data on the breeding success and reproductive behavior of the domestic cat as the most common felid species are presented. We evaluated the effect of the mating pattern and male sperm quality on breeding success. We also observed the relations between females and males during the breeding period. We experimentally showed that mating of a domestic cat female with two partners in succession resulted in a fertility increase. The breeding success of males thereby depended on female behavior to a partner not so much as on both sperm quality (the number of morphologically intact spermatozoids) and the sequence of mating. However, under monogamy the sperm quality failed to considerably affect the number of posterity.
В генитальном аппарате мегалопигид найдено девять мышц: парные m1, m2(10), m4, m5(7), m6(5), m7(6), непарные m20, m21 и мышцы фаллобазы. Этот набор соответствует таковому надсемейства Zygaenoidea, хотя у мегалопигид заметно редуцирован. Впервые для представителей надсемейства приводятся архаичные мышцы группы musculi phallici intemus. Они развиты как внутри фаллотеки, обеспечивая скольжение трубки эдеагуса, так и внутри эдеагуса, где функционируют как ретрактор везики. Предлагается сохранить устоявшуюся трактовку m21 в ее традиционном смысле как внутреннюю продольную мышцу эдеагуса, а внутреннюю мышцу фаллотеки обозначить как musculi phallobasi intemus m36. Показано, что при слиянии фаллобазы с трубкой эдеагуса (у Podalia) теряются придатки анеллуса и происходит редукция мышц фаллобазы, характерных для форм со свободной фаллотекой, окружающей тело эдеагуса. Уточнена гомология видоизмененных придатков тер-гального комплекса и винкулума. Исследование функциональной мускулатуры копулятивного аппарата мегалопигид поддерживает разделение семейства на два подсемейства - Megalopyginae и более архаичное Trosiinae. К ранее признанным аутапоморфиям семейства можно добавить также пумилизацию генитальных придатков, срастание ряда генитальных структур, частичную редукцию целых групп мышц, редукцию и ослабление интравальварных мышц. С другой стороны, наличие внутренних мышц фаллобазы является крайне архаичным признаком.
С марта по сентябрь 2014 г. различными методами в хвойно-мелколиственном лесу в окрестностях г. Вологда собрано 250 экз. 22 видов жуков-жужелиц. Из них на 109 экз. 11 видов обнаружено 326 экз. клещей из когорт Gamasina (4 вида), Astigmatina (5) и Heterostigmatina (1). Обычный для степной зоны юговосточной Европы Antennoseius pseudospinosus Eidelberg 1990 и европейский полизональный гидрофил Halodarcia incideta Karg 1969 впервые найдены в таежной зоне; специализированный паразит жужелиц рода Carabus Linnaeus 1758 - Dorsipes dorsipes Regenfuss 1968 - впервые обнаружен в Восточной Европе. Взрослые клещи рода Stylochirus G. Canestrini et R. Canestrini 1882 впервые найдены в природе в тесном контакте с зимующей жужелицей [самец S. fimetarius (Muller 1859); в зимовочной камере Carabusgranu-latus Linnaeus 1758]. Наиболее обычным клещом на жуках был Antennoseius bullitus Karg 1969 (68% всех особей клещей), найденный на 7 видах жужелиц (средняя встречаемость 41%). На 12 экз. жужелиц отмечена совместная форезия 2-3 видов клещей (в 5 случаях - Antennoseius bullitus и Stylochirus fimetarius). Три массовых вида клещей (85% выборки) найдены преимущественно на трех массовых видах жужелиц (70% выборки), однако разные виды клещей предпочитают разных переносчиков.
На Звенигородской биологической станции МГУ с 17 по 21 марта 2017 г. прошла конференция “Динамика численности птиц в наземных ландшафтах” (Population dynamics of birds in terrestrial landscapes). Конференции на Звенигородской биологической станции уже превратились в хорошую традицию, горячо поддержанную и воспринятую с благодарностью научным сообществом из разных уголков России. Эта конференция стала уже четвертой по орнитологической тематике и была приурочена к 30-летию программ мониторинга численности зимующих птиц России “Pams” и “Евроазиатский Рождественский учeт”.