Зоологический журнал


New species of genus Rhaphium (Dolichopodidae, Diptera) from Siberia and the Far East

Negrobov O.P.

The volume of the genus is taken by Curran (1926), including the genera Rhaphium, Porphyrops and Xiphandriutn previously considered as independent in the Palearctic fauna. 5 new species are described by the materials of the Zoological Institute, USSR Academy of Sciences, and the author's collections. R. dichrotnum Negrobov (Ural, Buryat ASSR) resembles R. luteipennis Frey but differs from it by dark legs, short arista, length of the 3rd antennal joint and structure of cerci. R. gussakovskii Stackelberg et Negrobov (Marine Territory, Kurile Islands) belongs to the group R. praerosum Lw. (R. penicullatum Lw., R. suave (Lw.), R, magnini Vaill.) and differs from them by the form of gonopods and cerci. R. firsovi Stackelberg et Negrobov (Marine Territory) belongs to the group R. rivale (Lw.) and differs from them by the form of gonopods and cerci. R. stackelbergi Negrobov (Marine Territory) belongs to the. group of species including R. elegantulum (Mg.) and differs from them by the structure of middle legs, hypopygium and the colour of legs. R. nudiusculus Negrobov (Buryat ASSR) resembles R. luteipennis Frey and differs from it by long gonopods and three-branched cerci. The differential diagnosis of species is based on the Palaearctic table by Becker (1918).

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