Kuznetsov N.N.
Nine species of the genus Paralorryia from the Crimea are described. Among them there are 6 new species: Paralorryia incrustata sp. n., P. latiuscula sp. n., P. scabriseta sp. n., P. longiuscula sp. n., P. subularis sp. n., P. ocellata sp. n. and 3 species which have not been recorded in the USSR fauna: P. leptonychotes (Womersley), P. mali (Oudemans) and P. ferula (Baker).
Krivosheina N.P.
Xylomyidae are xylobionts developing mostly in decaying organic matter such as bark and roots. The family includes two rather small genera (Xylomya Rondani and Solva Walker) distributed in the USSR. 2 new species were described: S.umbrosa sp.n. and S. semota sp.n. of the Maritime Territory (imago and larva). The species X. interrupta Plecke is reduced to the synonym of X. czekanovskii Pleske. A key to almost all the species of the USSR (by imago and larvae) is given.