Golub V.B.
A key for the species of the genus Catoplatus Spin, from the USSR and the data on their distribution are given. Two new species are described: С immarginatus sp. n. from Kazakhstan and Middle Asia and C. tricornis sp. n. from Armenia. Both species are closely related to C. fulvicornis (Jak.) and especially to C. citrinus Horv. C. leucus Kir. is reduced as a synonym of C. fulvicornis (Jak.). C. fulvicornis (Jak.) is first recorded from the North Iran.
Kuznetsov N.N.
2 new species of the genus Triophtydeus Koch (Tydeidae, Acariformes) were found in Crimea in samples of soil and forest litter: Triophtydeus ineditus sp. n. and T. mundus sp. n.