Andreychev A.V.
A new technique for studying the activity of underground mammals using portable digital voice recorders is developed. Earlier, mole rats were recorded visually, based on emissions of ground above the soil surface. Applying tape recorders, it becomes possible to precisely define if the system of holes is inhabited or not. In addition, it becomes possible to determine the time of the day when the animals move through the system. This technique for studying the activity of the mammals with an underground lifestyle has been applied and approbated for the first time.
Seryodkin I.V., Miquelle D.G., Goodrich J.M., Kostyria A.V., Petrunenko Y.K.
During 1992-2013 we studied the relationship between Amur tigers and brown and Asiatic black bears in the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve and surrounding areas in the southern Russian Far East. To determine the importance of bears in the diet of tigers, 763 kills were located and identified, and 430 tiger scat samples were collected and analyzed. To detect kills and scat samples we used radio telemetry and satellite tracking, as well as snow-tracking. Relying on evidence revealed by tracks, as well as radio telemetry, we determined whether bears exploited tiger kills as a food resource, and how the two may have interacted at kill sites. Thirty-two Asiatic black bear and 12 brown bear den sites were measured to define properties that might assist in protection from the threat of a tiger attack. We identified 641 instances of marking on trees by both tigers and bears, an indication of the complexity of their relationship. Bears are an important part of tigers’ diet, representing 2.2% of all kills found. Bear remains were found in 8.4% of examined tiger scats. Bears exploited tiger kills after a tiger had left, by usurping a kill, or by “sharing” a kill at alternate times. The occurrence of den properties that provided some protection from tigers was dependent on the den type and location. Evidence of both tiger and bear marking was detected at 50.1% of marked trees. A literature review of the relationship of tigers and bears is provided.
Gorochov A.V.
Discussions concerning the composition of the genus Parendacustes Chop., in particular its subgenus Minizacla Gor., are continued. Eleven new taxa of this subgenus are described: P. trusmadi sp. n., P. mulu sp. n., P. brevispina sp. n., P. modispina sp. n., P. longispina sp. n., P. forficula sabah subsp. n., P. doloduo sp. n., P. buton sp. n., P. pallescens sp. n., P. kendari sp. n. and P. lindu sp. n. New data on P. makassari Gor. are also provided.
Naidenko S.V., Antonevich A.L., Erofeeva M.N.
We analyzed variations in the level of testosterone during the early ontogeny (until the age of three months) in 60 Eurasian lynx cubs from 23 litters. The testosterone level was the maximum in lynx cubs right after their birth (in cubs 3-4 days old: 1.25 ng/ml), decreased later to the sixth week of age (0.26 ng/ml) and increased again to the age of three months (0.6 ng/ml). Sex of the cubs did not affect their testosterone levels, but the litter size and litter ID rendered significant effects on cub hormonal levels.
Исследования литорального бентоса обычными гидробиологическими методами в акватории Морского специализированного порта Витино проводились нами более 10 лет. При помощи различных математических методов изучена структура литоральных сообществ, обнаружены квазициклические изменения их общей биомассы и продемонстрирована динамика основных характеристик литоральной мидиевой банки на одной из выбранных для работы точек. Кроме того, критически рассматриваются некоторые аналитические подходы к экспертной оценке состояния донных экосистем с целью диагностики антропогенного воздействия. Показано, что разовая оценка не может быть надежной из-за проходящих в литоральных сообществах квазициклических процессов, а методы оценки, основанные на смещении отбора вдоль K-, r-оси, можно применять только с очень большой осторожностью. Для надежной оценки требуется проведение многолетних мониторингов, причем число повторностей на каждой точке необходимо подбирать таким образом, чтобы они нивелировали агрегированное распределение отдельных видов.