Зоологический журнал


A contribution to the taxonomy of caucasian brown frogs

Ishchenko V.G., Pyastolova O.A.

Thr crossing Rana macrocnemis X R. camerani was carried out in the laboratory. 10 hybrid batches were obtained, the embryonic and larval development was quite normal. The rate of growth and development of hybrid larvae was higher than that of parental forms. The mortality of gybrid larvae was within the usual limits. The results, as well as those of studying the intrapopulation variability in both the species suggest the species commonness of R. macrocnemis and R. camerani.

Cytogenetic indentification of sibling species Anopheles maculipennis and Anopheles messeae (Diptera, Culicidae)

Stegny V.N.

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