Зоологический журнал


A new species of the genus

Sidorov D.A.

The new amphipod species,

A review of forms in

Loskot V.M., Abramson N.I.

Individual, sex, age, seasonal and geographic variation of 12 characters of plumage coloration in superspecies

Clavus and jugum venation in beetle (Coleoptera) wings and its genesis

Fedorenko D.N.

The homology and nomenclature, as well as pathways of historical development of the clavus and jugal lobe of beetle hind wings are discussed. The reconstructed plan of the clavus venation of the wing area is mostly similar to the patterns of venation in some representatives of Corydalidae (Megaloptera). Its main apotypic features are as follows: the first anal is reduced at the wing base and the second anal or wedge-shaped cell appeared. This venal pattern is supposed to be a result of the consolidation of an area around the claval furrow base at the earlier stages of the beetle wing evolution. In particular, longitudinally compressing and drawing the bases of

is a new genus of cestodes (Cyclophyllidea, Hymenolepididae, Ditestolepidini) and redescription of

Lykova K.A., Gulyaev V.D., Mel'nikova Yu. A., Karpenko S.V.

The cestode

Kariotype and morphological features of

Proviz V.I.

The karyotype and morphological features of the Palearctic chironomid,

Mikhail Mikhailovich Pikulik (1948-2006)

Sushchenya L.M., Nikiforov M.E.

Molecular-genetic and paleoecological arguments for conspecificity of little

Ermakov O.A., Titov S.V., Savinetsky A.B., Surin V.L., Zborovsky S.S., Lyapunova E.A., Brandler O.V., Formozo N.A.

The interspecies variability and the level of divergence of little ground squirrel

Molecular systematics of pikas of the subgenus

Formozov N.A., Grigor'eva T.V., Surin V.L.

The structure of the subgenus

Mysids (Crustacea, Mysidacea) of the Antarctic and Subantarctic from the collection of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. Mysida: Erythropini and Amblyopsini tribes

Petryashov V.V.

Until recently, 2 species of mysids of the tribe Erythropini and 18 Amblyopsini species were known to inhabit the Antarctic and Subantarctic to the south of the subtropic convergence in the southern hemisphere. Sixty samples ot" mysids of these tribes (196 specimens) were collected in expeditions during 1956-2000 and kept at the Zoological Institute. Three species of the tribe Erythropini (2 species were found in the Subantarctic for the first time) and 9 species of the tribe Amblyopsini are in the collection of this institute. New data on the geographical and bathymetric distribution of these mysid species, as well as the first regional key for the identification of Leptomysini and Mysini species are presented. The variability of some morphological structures in the species of these tribes are discussed.

Testate amoebae from freshwater ecosystems of the Sura River basin (Middle Volga Region). 2. Community structure

Mazei Yu.A., Tsyganov A.N.

The species diversity and structure of testate amoebae communities inhabiting streams, rivers, lakes, and ponds from the Sura River basin were investigated. Local communities from silt and sand substrates are characterized by the lower level of the species diversity alternating communities from coarse debris sediments. The main factor affecting the species diversity is rather the type of water body than the type of substrate. The general distribution pattern of testate amoebae is rather uneven. However, the species complexes, which are tend to be associated with different types of substrates are the following: (a)

The first record of the shore fly Paracoenia fumosalis (Diptera, Ephydridae) in the Palaearctic Region

Krivosheina M.G.

The species

The first record of the trematoda

Lebedeva D.I., Novokhatskaya O.V.

The data on the distribution

The role of olfaction in formation of spawning conservatism in

Loukianov A.S.

The behavioral responses

To the systematics of the genus

Takhteev V.V., Levashkevich A.M.

The genus


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