Electronic library system “Lan” continues to actively fill the funds with high-quality educational and scientific literature.
The collection includes more than 53 000 books of the main Russian publishers and more than 300 academic journals. This collection covers classical works on history, philosophy, literature and other sciences; Russian and foreign literature in the original language; scientific and educational literature.
Recently the funds of “Lan” have been enlarged with new book collections of the publishing house “Russian State University of Justice”. Collection “Law. Jurisprudence”- with 250 new books; collection “Economics and management” – with 26 new books.
The Russian State University of Justice publishing house (RSUJ) was awarded with prizes, diplomas and certificates of competition “University Book”, “Best Book of the Year”, “Vocational Education” and others. RSUJ publications have been repeatedly awarded with diplomas and prizes of All-Russian and international exhibitions. Books of the publisher are in the library collections of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, are posted on the website of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.
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