eLibrary Journal Collection 2021 - Eposlink

eLibrary Journal Collection 2021

eLibrary announces 2021 e-journal collection!


The price and the availability of journals archives are provided upon request.

Please contact us at eresources@mippbooks.com

eLibrary is the Russian scientific library in the field of social sciences and humanities, technology and medicine, containing over 18 million Russian scientific articles and publications of the leading journals in different subjects.

The list of the well-known publisher Nauka is available HERE

New titles added to the platform for 2021 are available   HERE


Institutions can subscribe to separate journal titles as well as one or several subject collections.

A 5 per cent discount is applied upon subscription to any 10 or more titles.

Several thousands journals contain open access articles accessible for all users. Please check the current list at

https://elibrary.ru/projects/subscription/rus_titles_free.asp .